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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Ephesians 4:25-32 THE RESULTS OF A TRANSFORMED LIFE - Part 1 Intro: This passage builds on what
Paul has been saying about the new life we have been given in Jesus. The word wherefore calls our attention back to verses 17-24,
which are a basic overview of the new life we have in Jesus. Since the old man
of sin has been put off, v. 22,
since the mind has been renewed,
v. 23,
and since the new man, has
been put on, v.
24, the child of God is expected to life a transformed life. I
would remind you that the putting off of the old man, the renewing of the mind,
and the putting on of the new man, are events that took place in our lives when
we were born again. When the Lord saved us, He
changed us. We were made new creatures,
2 Cor. 5:17,
at the moment of conversion. Everything changed! A life the had never existed
began at that very moment. That is the essence of the new birth. You were born
again as a new creation of God at the moment of conversion. Since we have been transformed
by His power, we are challenged to live like the new creatures we are. In these
passage before us today, Paul tells us something about what the new life looks
like. In thee verses, he speaks about The
Results Of A Transformed Life. Lets take some time to walk
through these verses together and consider The
Results Of A Transformed Life. I.
WORDS In verse 25 and 29, Paul deals
with the area of our speech. The things we say, and how we say them, are and
indication of the condition of our heart. When the heart is right, our words
will be right. When our hearts are right, our words will be right. When our
hearts are out of step with the Lord, our words will reveal that too. Here is
how Jesus said it: O generation of vipers,
how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the
heart the mouth speaketh.A good man out of the good treasure of the heart
bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth
forth evil things.But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall
speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.For by thy words
thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned,
12:34–37. With that in mind, lets see
what Paul has to say about this matter of our words. Put Away Lying - Verse 25 - It is amazing
that Paul would have to caution Christians against the sin of lying. Yet, the
heart is wicked and when we are put into a position where the truth appears
painful, we sometimes resort to lies. When we do this, it grieves the Spirit of
God within us. He is called the Spirit of
truth, John 15:26. When we lie, we break
fellowship with the Holy Spirit. When we lie, we give evidence that we have
fallen into one of Satans snares. Consider John 8:44. We live in a nation of liars.
We lie at the drop of a hat. A survey revealed that 91 percent of those
surveyed lie routinely about matters they consider trivial, and 36 percent lie
about important matters; 86 percent lie regularly to parents, 75 percent to
friends, 73 percent to siblings, and 69 percent to spouses. Here are some common lies
that are a part of every day life in our nation. The
check is in the mail. I'll
start my diet tomorrow. We
service what we sell. Give
me your number and the doctor will call you right back. Money
cheerfully refunded. One
size fits all. This
offer limited to the first 100 people who call in. Your
luggage isn't lost, it's only misplaced. Leave
your resume and we'll keep it on file. This
hurts me more than it hurts you. I
just need five minutes of your time. Your
table will be ready in a few minutes. Open
wide, it won't hurt a bit. Let's
have lunch sometime. Lets take just a minute to
talk about what a lie is. In simple terms, anything that is not the full truth
is a lie. Lying includes far more than telling direct falsehoods. When
we exaggerate by adding falsehood to that which starts out as truth, it is a
lie. When
we embellish stories to make ourselves look better, or to make others look
worse, that is a lie. When
we change the facts to spare someones feelings, it is a lie. When
we alter the truth in any way, it is a lie. When
we cheat on our taxes, it is a lie. When
we cheat in school, it is a lie. When
we make promises we know we cannot keep, it is a lie. When
we betray a confidence, it is a lie. When
we engage in flattery of others, it is a lie. When
we make excuses to cover our failures and shortcomings, it is a lie. When
we withhold information in order to mislead or deceive, it is a lie. A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and
a flattering mouth worketh ruin, Pro. 26:28. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an
abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed
innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift
in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth
discord among brethren, Pro. 6:16–19. We are believers, and we are
to be characterized by the truth. After all, the One Who is the truth, is our Lord and Savior. We are
indwell by the Spirit of truth.
Anything less that the whole truth is a complete lie. There is no such thing as
a little white lie. All lying
is sin, and it is contrary to who we are in Jesus Christ. By the way, a life
that is characterized by a steady stream of lies gives clear evidence that it
has not been redeemed, Rev. 21:8. Christians may fail and fall
into a lie occasionally, but they are never characterized by lies. Consider these powerful
quotes about lying: A lie has no legs. It requires other lies to support it.
Tell one lie and you are forced to tell others to back it up. Stretching the
truth won't make it last any longer. Those that think it permissible to tell
white lies soon grow colorblind. Austin O'Malley. I would not tell one lie to save the souls of all the world.
John Wesley. When we are caught in a lie,
it undermines our credibility, and it destroys other peoples confidence in us.
If we lie to others, they will never know when we are telling the truth. When regard for truth has been broken down or even slightly
weakened, all things will remain doubtful, Augustine What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now
on I can no longer believe you, Friedrich Nietzsche While we are on the subject
of lies and truth, let is also be said that just because something is true,
does not mean that it must be told. We must not tell everything we know without
regard for its impact on others. We must not unload all the garbage in our own
souls, our hard feelings, our doubts, our hatred of others, etc. Sometimes we
should just keep our mouths shut instead of telling everything we know, whether
its true or not. While we must guard against
using our speech for lies, we must also guard against having a sharp tongue.
Washington Erving said this about a sharp tongue, A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with
constant use. Sometimes it is better to just remain silent.
Publius, a Greek philosopher, once said, I have
often regretted my speech, never my silence. Put Away Corrupt Communication - Verse 29
- Just as we are to guard our words against the intrusion of lies, we are to
guard it against the intrusion of rotten
speech. The word corrupt
refers to that which is rotten.
It wear used of rotten fruit, vegetables,
and other spoiled foods. Just as we would never eat a rotten
apple or a rotten piece of meat, the believer should never engage in rotten
speech. We must guard our tongues
against profanity, off-color jokes, dirty stories, gossip, double entendre and
other forms of wickedness. Let me reined you once again that our words are a
window into our hearts. When our words are good and wholesome, it gives
evidence that we belong to the Lord. When our speech is foul and rotten, it
gives evidence that we do not know the Lord. As we all know, the tongue is
hard to control. Here is what the
Lord says about it in James 3:1-12. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they
that love it shall eat the fruit thereof, Pro. 18:21. Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul
from troubles, Pro. 21:23. By the help of the Holy
Spirit, it is possible to control the tongue. When the tongue is brought under
the control of the Lord, we will use it is the right manner. In the latter part
of verse 29,
Paul tells us just how we are to do that. When the tongue is under control, we
will use it to: Build Others Up - the word edification, means to build up. When the heart is right, the
tongue will reveal it by speaking words that help others grow. We will edify
others by being helpful, encouraging, constructive, uplifting, by being a
blessing to other. There may be times when our speech must be corrective in
nature. Even when those times arise, we will say what we must say from a heart
of love, with the goal of helping the other person grow in the relationship
with Christ. We must never use the tongue to tear down. When we gossip, say
hurtful things to people, use the truth as a club to wound and hurt others, and
say things that discourage, disappoint and harm others, we are using our
tongues in a way that displeases the Lord. Minister Grace To The Hearers - This phrase has the
idea of being gracious in our speech. It was the way our Lord spoke, Luke 4:22
says And all bare him witness, and wondered
at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not
this Josephs son? This manner of speech should characterize
every child of God, Let your speech be alway
with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every
man, Col. 4:6. The whole idea here is that our
words are to be influenced by the grace of God. We should be gracious to
everyone we meet along the way. Our words to others should be constructed in a
manner that benefits them. We should use our speech to build up and never to
tear down. When we use our words in the wrong manner, it grieves the Holy
Spirit, v. 30.
That is, is causes Him pain,
and it hinders our fellowship with Him. In other words, if you want your
relationship with the Lord to be what it needs to be, learn to control your
tongue. If you dont make the effort to control the tongue, something is wrong
at the very heart of your supposed relationship with God. James 1:26
says this: If any man among you seem to be
religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this mans
religion is vain. Conc: On a windswept hill in an
English country churchyard stands a drab, gray slate tombstone. The quaint
stone bears an epitaph not easily seen unless you stoop over and look closely.
The faint etchings read: Beneath
this stone, a lump of clay, Lies
Arabella Young, Who on the
twenty-fourth of May, Began to
hold her tongue. Dont let that be the way
people remember you. If you, like me, need help in the area of your words,
please come and talk to God about the matter today. If we have been saved by the
grace of God, and transformed by the Spirit if God; if we are index new creatures
in Jesus Christ; it will show up in the way we use our speech. Lets bring out
tongues and lay them on the altar, and truth the Lord to alter our words for
His glory. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |